It was around1500 when the Franciscan friars of the Convent of San Giovanni di Nizza Monferrato invented....
A skilful mix of herbs and spices, carefully cultivated and preserved in the Convent’s herbarium: this is where our friars started from to make their extraordinary bitter, tonic and refreshing, which brought joy to anyone who drank it.
Today, more than five centuries after its birth, the Convento di S.Giovanni comes alive again.
We have enriched the original recipe by infusing the herbs into the 35-year-old brandy and finishing it off with a passage in the cask, but its soul has remained the same: a smooth, spicy Amaro Riserva that tastes of the little things that make you happy;
The recipe for happiness
from our ambassadors
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Yours Recipes of Happiness
Originally, the cultivation of herbs in monasteries was practised for medicinal purposes: in almost all monasteries there was even an area of the garden dedicated to the cultivation of medicinal herbs, the Hortus sanitatis or garden of the simples (from the Latin simplicia medicamenta)!
The history of the Convent is a story of herbalists, amanuensis and… a miracle; On 12 May 1613, in fact, the city of Nizza Monferrato was attacked by the Savoys and began a siege that lasted twelve days; it was here, in front of the civilians gathered in the Convent for protection, that the candle that illuminated the painting of St. Charles was lit without oil or wick; It was to be a positive omen: the Nicesi resisted the siege until reinforcements arrived and St Charles, whose miracle revived hope in the worst of times, became the town’s patron saint;
Taste the happiness in your home.
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